hello learners I am Sapna Shukla former assistant professor from MIT school of
engineering and technology Amity University in this video we are going to cover basics of computer computers have
become very important in our day to day life and it is being used by every person be it a scientist businessman
politician or a layman this video has the following learning objectives to
understand computer and its applications to understand the main components of a
computer to learn the various input devices to learn the various output
devices to learn about software and its classification to learn about computers
language and its classification now the very first question is what is a
computer computer is an advanced electronic device that takes raw data as
input from the user and processes it under the control of set of instructions
which are called program gives the result in form of output and saves it for the future use data can be anything
like marks obtained by you in various subjects it can also be name age sex
weight height etc of all the students in a class this data can be used to produce
the desired information in the form of mark sheet with grade as per percentage of marks we also can define a computer
as per the functions it performs a computer can accept data store data
process data as desired and retrieved the stored data as and when required and
print the result in the desired form you can see two computers a desktop computer
and a laptop on the screen this slide shows how an input is being processed by
the computer and then it is converted to an output now let us go to an see some
applications there are various applications of computers in today's arena life without computers would be
unimaginable today computer is used in business organization for payroll calculations budgeting sales
analysis financial forecasting managing employees database maintenance of stocks
etc we have the next application in banking banks provide following
facilities banks provide online accounting facility which includes current balances deposits overdrafts
interest charges shares and trustee records ATM machines which are making it
even easier for customers to deal with banks is also a form of computer the
next application we have in insurance field insurance companies are keeping all records up to date with the help of
computers the insurance companies finance houses and stock broking firms
are widely using computers for their concerns insurance companies are maintaining a
database of all clients with information showing procedure to continue with the policies starting date of the policies
next you installment of a policy maturity date interest you survival
benefits bonus the computer has provided a lot of facilities in the education
system also the computer provides a tool in the education system known as
computer-based education which is CBE CBE involves control delivery and
evaluation of learning the computer education is rapidly increasing the graph of number of computer students
there are a number of methods in which educational institutions can use computer to educate the students it is
used to prepare a database about performance of a student an analysis is being carried out on this basis in
marketing we use computers with computers advertising professionals
create art and graphics write and revise copy and print and disseminate ads with
the goal of selling more products home shopping has been made possible through use of computerized catalogs that
provide access to the product information and permit direct entry of orders to be filled by the customers we
are using computers in healthcare also computers have become important part in hospitals labs and dispensary
the computers are being used in hospitals to keep the record of patients and medicines it is also used in
scanning and diagnosing different diseases ECG EEG ultrasounds CT scans
etc are also being done by computerized machines some major fields of healthcare
in which computers are being used are diagnostic system computers are being
used to collect data and identify cause of illness lab diagnostic systems in
this all tests are being done and reports are being prepared by computer we also have patient monitoring system
these are used to check patient signs for abnormality such as cardiac arrest
ECG etc farmer information system is also there with checks drug labels
expiry dates harmful drug side effects etc nowadays it is also being used in
surgery computers are widely used for engineering purposes also one of the
major areas is computer-aided design for short we say CAD it provides creation
and modification of images some of the fields in which CAD is being used is
structural engineering where in stress and strain analysis for design of ships
buildings budgets airplanes etcetera is being done Industrial Engineering
computers deliver design implementation improvement of integrated systems of
people materials and equipments we're also using it in architectural
engineering computers help in planning towns designing buildings determining a
range of buildings on a site using both 2d and 3d drawings it is also being used
in military computers are largely used in defense military also employs computerized control systems some
military areas where a computer has been used on missile control military communication military operation and
planning and smart weapons it is also being used in communication communication means to convey a message
an idea a picture or speech that is received and understood clearly and
correctly by a person for whom it is meant for some main areas in this category are email
chatting Usenet FTP telnet video conferencing we are also using it for
government purposes computers play an important role for the government some
major fields of this category are budgets sales tax department income tax
department we are also doing male-female ratio count computerization of voter
lists computerization of driving license system computerization of pan card weather forecasting all is being done by
computers we are talking about a governance today the variety of application suggests that we have got
different characteristics of a computer that is the reason we are able to use the computer in so many fields the first
characteristic is high speed computer is a very fast device it is capable of performing calculations a very large
amount of data the computer has units of speed in terms of microsecond nano second and even Pico second the next
characteristic is accuracy the in addition to being very fast computers
are very accurate the calculations are nearly 100% error free computers perform all jobs with 100% accuracy provided
that we as a user have given correct input and the correct logic to it the
next characteristic of a computer is storage capability memory is very important characteristic of a computer a
computer has much more storage capacity than human beings it can store large amount of different types of data such
as images videos text audio and many other forms the next characteristic of a
computer is diligence diligence is like
human beings what we do is we get bored with some work but a computer is free from monotony tiredness and lack of
concentration Vee as a human if we have to do a repeated work we get bored but a
computer can do a repeated work with the same speed and accuracy the next
characteristic of a computer is versatility as we saw in many applications you know there are a
variety of applications that are there in the computer a computer you know is a versatile machine it
versatile we know from the applications which this can be used to solve problems ranging from engineering problems to
laymen problems and there are you know a lot of applications which we are using in computers the next characteristic of
a computer is reliability computer is a reliable machine modern electronic
components have long lives and hence nowadays we all rely on computers the
next characteristic of a computer is automation automation means ability to
perform a given task automatically so once a program is given to the computer that is stored in the computer's memory
the program and instruction can control the program execution without human
interaction so this is what is automation the next characteristic of the computer is obviously reduction in
paperwork everything is on the computer the use of computers for data processing in an organization leads to reduction in
paperwork and results in speeding up a process as data in electronic files can
be retrieved as in when required the problem of maintenance of large number of paper file gets reduced the next is
obviously reduction in cost though the initial investment for installing a
computer is high obviously but it substantially reduces the cost of each of its transactions next let us go and
understand what are the different main components of a computer so here you can
see there is an input unit we have the CPU CPU has got memory unit control unit
arithmetic logic unit and we have got an output unit so what does an input unit do it's a unit which contains devices
with the help of which we enter data into the computer this unit makes link
between user and the computer the input devices translate the information into
the form understandable by the computer let us come next to the CPU CPU is
considered as the brain of the computer CPU performs all types of data processing operation it stores data
intermediate results and instructions in the form of programs it also controls
the operation of all parts of the computer CPU its self has got many parts the memory unit
the control unit the arithmetic logical unit the next we have the output unit
the output unit is a device which will actually display the result after the
computer processes the data using CPU so the output is basically output unit will
convert the computer understandable data into human readable form and will
display it on the output devices then we have the next this is the central
processing unit here you can see the CPU chips being used and as I told it is the
brain of the computer and has three components ALU memory unit control unit so the ALU
basically is the arithmetic logic unit so it has got an arithmetic section analogical section function of
arithmetic section is to perform arithmetic operation like addition subtraction multiplication and division
we also have logical section function of the logic section is to perform logical
operations such as comparing selecting matching merging of data we also have
memory unit so memory unit is basically you can say it's the RAM part of the CPU
it is basically whatever processing the computer has to do will be temporarily stored in the memory unit let's go to
the control unit what is the function of the control unit the CPU has a control unit now this unit controls the
operations of all parts of the computer but does not carry out any actual data processing operations functions of this
unit are it is responsible for controlling the transfer of data and instructions among other units of a
computer it manages and coordinates all the units of the computer it obtains the
instructions from the memory interprets them and directs the operation of the computer it communicates with IO devices
for transfer of data or results from storage it does not process or store data but it
controls all the operations so that is the work of the control unit a very very important unit sub component of the CPU
now let us go to the input devices now as we already saw
input devices accept data and instructions from the user we have different forms of input devices we have
keyboard mouse light pen optical magnetic scanners touchscreen microphone
Tran bonds so let us go and see one by one the first one is the keyboard we
already know about keyboard anybody who is using desktop computer or a laptop has already seen a keyboard the keyboard
in most common use is the QWERTY board generally standard keyboard has one zero
four keys actually it is basically very common so let's not go into details of
it then we have a mouse a mouse is an electromechanical handheld device it is
used to control the moving icons on the windows operating system you can use it to start programs and for choosing
options but obviously you cannot use a mouse or to enter text so that is what
is the purpose of a mouse then we nowadays we have got different types of mouse this is a diagram of a mechanical
mouse which has got a tracker and a ball inside which rotates ok so it is
basically uses an internal magnetically coated ball to detect the movement of the mouse across a flat surface and
usually used with a desktop and you know keeping a clean is very important we
also have optical mouse which uses laser technology we also have wireless mouse
wherein you don't require these type of wires over here we also have a variation
which is a trackball so trackball is a pointing device and is a mouse which is
lying on its back to move the pointer you rotate the ball with your thumb your fingers on the palm of your hand and
there are usually 1 2 3 buttons next to the ball which you use just like mouse
buttons now the advantage of track balls over Mouse is that the trackball is stationary so it does not require much
space to use it in addition you can place a trackball on any type of surface including your lap for these reasons
track balls of popular pointing devices for portable pootis the next we have a joystick
joystick is also a pointing device which is used to move cursor position on a monitor screen it is a stick having a
spherical ball at its both lower and upper ends the lowest fee Racal ball moves in a socket the joystick can be
moved in all four directions the function of joystick is similar to that of a mouse it is mainly used in computer
aided design and playing computer games in the next we have light pin you can see the diagram of the Lightning so
light pin is basically a pointing device which is similar to a pen and it is used
to select a displayed menu item or drop pictures on the monitor screen it consists of a photocell and an optical
system placed in a small tube when the tip of the light pen is moved over the
monitor screen and pen button is pressed its photocell sensing element it takes the screen location and sends the
corresponding signal to the CPU so this is about light pen then we have optical
scanners so these devices are used for automatic data collection the devices of
this category completely eliminates manual input of data for example the barcode reader is actually just a
special type of image scanner and image scanner translates printed images into
an electronic format that can be stored in a computer's memory and with the
right kind of software one can alter a stored image another example of scanner is pickle character reader so let's see
the diagram also this is an optical character reader then we have a barcode reader this is showing how a handheld
device you know you can use a barcode reader and you can scan this codes so barcode reader is a device which is used
for reading bar coded data and bar coded data is generally used in labeling goods
numbering the books etc it may be a handheld scanner or may be embedded in a
stationary scanner barcode reader scans a barcode image converts it into alphanumeric values which is then fed
into the computers and to which the barcode reader is connected so we also
have optical mark reader so you all must have written
some of the other exams right entrance exams so you must have filled in omr sheets
so these are my sheets are basically are fed into optical mark readers so it is
basically a special type of optical scanner used to recognize the type of mark made by pen or pencil so it is used
where one out of a few alternatives is to be selected and marked and it is specially very very helpful in checking
the answer sheets of the examinations having multiple-choice questions the next is the touch screen and the form of
input is touch screen so here the input can be given through the computer screen
that accepts the input through monitor users touch electronic buttons displayed
on the screen or they may use light pin nowadays smartphones laptops TVs ATM
machines all are using touchscreen panel the next input device which is the
microphone so microphone is an input device which takes input as a voice so
we have seen the input devices now let us see the output devices so what is an output device output device returns
processed data that is information back to the user so output devices return processed data that is information back
to the user some of the commonly used output devices are monitor printers
plotter speakers let us see them one by one so we have got monitor so monitor is
the most common output device that is being used so people interact with this
device most intensively than any other device computer information is displayed
visually with a video adapter card and monitor now information processed which
is within the CPU that needs to be visualized displayed is sent to the video adapter the video adapter converts
information from the format used in the same manner as a television displays information sent to a cable service
basically there are two types of monitors CRT that is cathode ray tube
and we have flat panel display flat panel display it may use a technology of LCD that is
liquid crystal display or it may use LED that is light emitting diode display so
basically CRT cathode ray tube monitor is a typical monitor that you can see on
a desktop computer it looks a lot like the old-style television screen and
works the same way these monitors have a stream of intense high-energy electrons
which is used to form images on a fluorescent screen a cathode ray tube is
basically a vacuum tube containing an electron gun at one end fluorescent
screen at the other end so under the flat panel a monitor or it uses liquid
crystal display so basically it this uses a cold cathode fluorescent backlighting in case of LED displays
what happens is we have the light emitting diodes in which a backlighting
is done and LED monitors are set to use much lesser power than the CRT and LCD
and are considered far more environment-friendly the only disadvantage is that CRT is the least
costliest then is the LCD and the most costliest one is the LED so that is it
is environment friendly but it is costly the next we have the various types of printers so printers come various forms
so let's say after a document is created on a computer and maybe I want a hard
copy so how do I take their hard copy so I can take the hard copy of document
using a printer some printers offer special features such as colored and
large page formats so printers come in many forms so we have got a laser
printer we have got an inkjet printer we have got a dot matrix printer line
printer ok so let's consider a laser printer first so laser printer is basically produces
high quality print that one normally finds in publishing it is extremely fast and quiet
moreover the operation of a laser printer is easy with automatic paper
loading and no smudging or messing up of ink ribbons is there the fastest laser
printer can print up to 200 pages per minute in monochrome and up to hundred pages per minute in color let's go to
the inkjet printer an inkjet printer is like a laser printer but it uses ink
cartridges so basically it creates an image directly on paper by spraying ink
through as many as 64 tiny nozzles and although the image it produces is not
generally quite as sharp as the output of a laser printer but the quality of the inject images is still high then
let's come to the dot matrix printer so dot matrix is the oldest one which is
being used it is a one type of an impact printer so it was a very popular at one
point of time so it is very versatile and inexpensive output device in dot matrix printer the printhead physically
hits the paper hence the name impact through the ribbon and produces text or
images by combination of dots hence the name dot matrix printer its speed is
measured in characters per second although it is less expensive but it is louder slower and produces lower quality
print we also have another form which is called a line printer here you can see
the image so a line printer is basically used with large computer systems to
produce text-based data processing reports line printers are high speed printers with speeds ranging anywhere
from hundred to about thirty eight hundred lines per minute in the past print quality on line printers was not
very high but developments in the technology are improving the print quality on line printers also so these
are are in the cost ranges of relaxed rupees the next output device we have is a plotter so where do we use plotters if
we have printers why are we using plotter so plotter is basically a special kind of output device that like
a printer produces images on paper but does so in a different way plotters are
designed to produce large drawings or images such as construction plans for buildings blueprints for mechanical
objects an array of different colored pens in a clip rack and robotic arm is
part of a plotter the instruction that the plotter picks up the appropriate coordinates drops the
pen down to the surface of the paper and draws to the ending coordinates plotters draw curves by creating a sequence of
very short straight lines so plotters are off you can see two categories of plotters are they're flatbed plotter and
drum plotters you can see the diagram so flatbed plotters are basically meant to
be kept on table with restriction of paper size and we have drum plotters which are of big size using rolls of
paper of unlimited length then the next device output device is a speaker we all
are aware it basically outputs sounds so we have seen hardware devices we have
seen the CPU we have seen the input devices we have seen the output devices but you know without software hardware
cannot do anything in a computer so software refers to a set of programs a set of instructions returned in a
computer language that makes the hardware perform a particular set of tasks in a particular manner so as
software so be it or your operating system be it your you know word
processing systems all these are different types of software so you can classify the software into two
categories system software and application software system software's are set of programs responsible for
running the computer controlling various operations of computer systems and management of computer resources
operating system falls under this category and OS is a system software that provides an interface for a user to
communicate with the computer manages hardware devices like the disk drives
keyboard monitor whatever you saw right now and it manages and maintains disk file systems and supports application
programs some popular operating systems are UNIX Windows Linux etc then we have
utility softwares what are these now these are programs that bridge the gap between the functionality of an OS and
the needs of the user utility programs a broad category of software such as you know maybe you require to compress a
file and compress a file or antivirus software maybe you want to split or join files so these type of softwares are
considered as you ladies of quiz the next we have application software's application
software is a set of programs which are written to perform specific tasks for example an application package for
managing library is known as a library information system and it is used to manage information of library such as
keeping book details account holder details book issue details book return
details etc another application package can be managing student details in the form of student information system which
can manage students roll number name parents name address class section processing of examination results etc
application software can also be broadly classified into two types generalized packages and customized packages so
generalized packages you have various examples so these are basically word processing software spreadsheets
presentations database management system graphics tool generalized packages are
basically user-friendly software written to cater to users very general needs such as preparing documents drawing
pictures as you can see in the list then we next we have customized packages so customized packages are application
softwares wherein you have to customize to meet a specific requirement of an organization or institution so let's say
for example student information details payroll packages inventory control so usually these packages are written in a
high-level computer language high-level computer language we will be learning about computer language in the next slide so we have different computer
languages also so as V and you are speaking Hindi English to understand each other and many more languages
similarly the computers also need to under have one particular language and the language also should have some
syntax so we have got a different classification of the computer language we have got low level language as you
can see this is the machine language which is in terms of zeros and ones this was the language being used in the very
beginning in fact and then we have a 70 language where and we use mnemonics in the form of add mul so this ad indicates
addition this indicates this model indicates multiplication nowadays we all use high level language and high level
languages examples are C C++ Java COBOL basic Pascal and you can see a code
snippet from a C C++ language we're in you know everything is very clear so this is the speciality of
high-level language it is very very close to English that we speak so when
we are talking about computer languages and you know the computers understand machine level language so hence we
require compilers and assemblers so you can see over your compiler converts a source program in high-level
language to an object program that is in machine language we similarly have an assembler where in an assembly language
program is converted to machine language program so we come to the learning outcomes so what we learnt in this
particular video we learnt what a computer is and its applications we learned the characteristics of a
computer we learned the main components of the computer the CPU the ALU in the
CPU has ALU memory unit and the control unit then we we have we learned the
various input devices we learnt about the various output devices we learnt software and its types we learnt the
computer languages high low level languages and we also learned compiler and assembler so from this video viewers
learners have studied about basics of computer thank you so much